The Barry Hannah record, “I have no idea what tradition I’m in. Don’t Care,” which comes out on Record Store Day, April 18th, has been garnering some great press lately. Check out some links and blurbs below…
“The finished product belongs among the most revealing documents we have about the author.” -from a review by Robert Rea at the Oxford American. Read the full review here.
“Less a formal lecture and more a bizarre kind of stand-up routine, the record is filled with non-sequiturs, jokes, poetry, and some of the brilliant verbal runs Barry is known for, all punctuated by Hannah’s wonderful smoker’s cackle, a remarkable effect in itself. At turns hilarious, baffling, and honest to a sometimes-uncomfortable degree, what comes through most is Hannah’s deep love of his friends, writing, and the ecstatic life.” -from Jimmy Cajoleas’ review at Read the full review here.
Read a review of the record in the Clarion-Ledger right here. (photo above from the Clarion-Ledger Business section)
Read more about the release RIGHT HERE. The record is limited to 500 vinyl copies and will be available at The End of All Music on Saturday, April 18th. If any copies remain they will be for sell in our webstore starting Monday, April 20th.
Updated 4/9/15: Jim Dees mentioned the Barry Hannah record in his column in the Oxford Citizen newspaper. Photo below.